On-Demand TV for Seniors

Streaming on-demand: the television of the future

Television is certainly the most popular entertainment tool: since its appearance around the 1940s, it has been able to evolve and reinvent itself along with its target audience. Over time, in fact, we have witnessed the introduction of increasingly modern and advanced entertainment services, from traditional cable TV to pay-TV and/or pay per view and, in recent times, video-on-demand streaming. We can see that also the aging people of the baby-boom generation tend to use streaming instead of traditional television. Let’s see why!

User experience

The actual use of these platforms can vary considerably based on some of the functions provided. Here are the elements that must be taken into consideration to evaluate the experience of using a streaming service on-demand:

Accessibility and number of devices:

It is important to evaluate if you have the habit of using alternative devices to smart TV or a traditional TV and are equipped with a special smart TV stick, which is a key that allows the TV to connect to the internet.

Offline use:

when provided, the option to download content to watch offline can be very useful in occasions when you have a bad or no connection.


the possibility of viewing subtitles is important for different categories of users including the deaf, those who like to watch films and TV series in the original language and want the support of written text or maybe in situations where you watch a film with people who speak different languages;

Original content:

some platforms produce original content which is then available only and exclusively by subscribing to that specific service. The typology of this content is very wide and covers all categories, from films and TV series to documentaries and other entertainment shows, such as stand-up comedy;

Exclusive or simultaneous content:

the most advanced streaming on-demand services include various types of movies and TV series offered exclusively and/or simultaneously with the country of production. This feature is particularly interesting for fans of television series and entertainment programs, which will thus be able to be viewed immediately and not long after they have been broadcast.


The streaming video giant company was created in the United States in 1997. At the time, its core business was renting films and video games via the Internet, sent then directly to the house by post, but continuous innovation led the company to become the real player in the market. In 2008, the platform evolved and began distributing streaming content, including films, TV series, and documentaries, upon payment of a subscription. Finally, in 2013 the American giant also started producing original Netflix content.

The virtual video library is constantly updated and the subscription options meet the needs of different users.

As for the consumption of data traffic, Netflix is ​​very clear and open in its communications: on its support pages, consumption is explained in terms of GB and this greatly simplifies each evaluation to the end-user.

An episode of a series lasting about 50 minutes uses just under 300 MB. Therefore, an average of a couple of hours a day of use of Netflix implies the use of about 17.6 GB per month. Netflix allows through its apps to download content offline so it can be watched whenever you want: this option allows you to take advantage of the available Wifi networks and therefore not use data on the move.

Amazon Prime Video

The online commerce giant has a streaming movie, TV series and documentary platform. Amazon Prime subscribers also have access to the video section. Amazon updates and adds content – sometimes produced by the same company – quite frequently.

As for the use of data to enjoy content on the mobile network, the settings are very clear and allow you to choose between four different video qualities. For each, the respective use is listed for one hour of use:

Amazon Prime Video proved to be the service with the best compression of streaming content. In fact, even with active data saver, the video quality from a smartphone is definitely sufficient to enjoy the content.

Just as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video offers the possibility to download content under the Wifi network to be able to enjoy it at its best at the desired moment, even offline.


The video streaming platform par excellence does not need any introduction: YouTube is a place where those who land risk being stuck for hours, wandering between one video and another, without even realizing it. For this reason it is important that, while using the platform, you have a WiFi connection or – in any case – a good amount of data traffic.

The only possible setting to control data use on the mobile network is the one that allows you to not play HD videos except under Wi-Fi network coverage. By activating this option, and going around the thousands of contents, we detected a consumption of about 250MB for an hour of low quality entertainment. This implies, with the usual two hours of daily use, a monthly data use is just over 14.6GB.