The Best Anti-aging Skincare Tips

Let’s face it, nobody likes to show wrinkles. Although they are a natural factor, we would prefer not to have to deal with these marks around our eyes or lips for they remind us that we’re slowly aging and our time on earth is only limited.

Why does the skin age?

Aging signs and marks appear over the years. Expression lines, for example, are simply evidence of a well-lived life and serve as a reminder of many past laughs and emotions.

With age, facial skin can also start relaxing and thus losing its elasticity and although at times we may find ourselves pondering and protesting over its unpleasantness, we must realise that this phenomenon is natural and pretty much inevitable.

Of course, we cannot reverse the aging process, but the advances in the formulation in our treatments can allow you to simply preserve a smooth and radiant skin as time passes.

We cannot reverse the aging process, the advances in the formulations of our treatments allow you to simply preserve a smooth and radiant skin as the time passes and aging signs start making appearances for as we age, our body’s skin can become more fragile. Genetics has a big impact on this phenomenon, but lifestyle choices can also help fight it. Anti-aging treatments are a fantastic resource in your daily skincare routine, but the real change starts from the inside.

If you want to preserve the radiance of your face, follow these tips and try to acquaint yourself with the following rituals:

1. Eat healthily

Nutrition is an important element for the balance of your body. Eating healthily is essential for your health. As you know, it is recommended to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

Choose seasonal and fresh products. You can include food recognized as antioxidants in your daily diet for this helps limit the aging of free radicals. You can try the aromas (oregano and dried thyme, cinnamon and turmeric powder,) hazelnuts, sweet potatoes, blueberry, kiwi, etc.

2. Hydrate your skin

As our body is made up of 60% to 70% water and an average of 2 liters of it is expelled every day, it is important to stay hydrated in order to be healthy.

The state of your skin also depends on what your body assimilates so our first tip is to drink a lot of water during the day to keep your skin hydrated and elastic. The general advice is to drink at least 2 liters of water everyday, which translates to about 6/9 glasses.

In case you are forgetful and can’t remember to drink water by yourself, schedule 9 alarms (for 9 glasses of water) and drink away!

3. Cleanse your skin better

All skin types benefit from proper cleansing every morning and evening. The benefits of a correct ritual are multiple: it eliminates the dirt and impurities of the skin, it helps to prepare the skin for its daily routine, and it brightens your skin.

For a more intense cleanse, try double cleansing. This two-step technique uses 2 different detergents to eliminate two types of impurities – oil-based and water-based. Start with an oil or conditioner to eliminate oil-based impurities such as sebum and make-up. Then, apply a water-based cleanser to remove impurities such as sweat and dirt.

4. Massage your skin

Your skin loves when you take care of it and there is nothing better than a facial massage to stimulate it. You can massage your face yourself for a few minutes everyday when you apply a moisturizer or in the evening when you’re just relaxing on the sofa.

With your fingertips, press the skin of your face by pulling it upwards and imagine erasing wrinkles with your fingertips. You can also use an oil (argan oil, olive oil) to optimize the fluidity of your movements. This self-massage can slightly reduce wrinkles, so much so, this can prevent them from appearing in the first place, provided that it is practiced regularly.

5. Protect your skin from the sun

Although it is an excellent stimulant, the sun can also damage and dehydrate our skin and is the main reason of premature aging of the skin and so it is essential to protect our skin from excessive exposure. The wise choices of skin products can help fight its negative effects.

The most important, of course, is sunscreen for even in winter, to helps the skin prevent the signs of aging.

Which anti-aging product to choose?

Research products rich in “strong” ingredients, such as immortelle, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C are suggested. Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that is found naturally in the skin and has the ability to retain water while also contributing to the hydration of the skin.

As we age, hyaluronic acid production slows down and so our skin begins to lose its ability to retain water. In beauty products, hyaluronic acid acts like a sponge as it retains moisture to keep the skin plumped.


  1. Augustine, Cindy. “7 Anti-Aging Treatments That Won’t Break The Bank.” Huffpost. 14 July, 2014
  2. Food in Care, “Why Healthy Eating Matters.” Food in Care.
  3. Water Science School, “The Water in You: Water and Human Body.” USGS. 
  4. Kay, Camilla, “These at-home facial techniques are worth mastering to keep your skin glowing into autumn.” Glamour. 2 September, 2019.