Best Alternative Skin Care Treatments

Let’s face it, everyone likes to look good and have flawless skin. Your complexion is the first thing people notice about you, and having bad skin can cripple your self-esteem. Thankfully, there are a ton of treatments available to help you achieve radiant and flawless skin.

Dry Skin Causes

Dry skin is one of the most common skin conditions. Dry skin can easily occur due to harsh winter weather, but you shouldn’t overlook it. If your skin is dry, that means your body is sending you a signal that something is wrong. We’ll explore the usual causes of dry skin.

Medication Side Effects

If you have a chronic condition that requires you to take medication daily, you should consult your doctor about the effects it could have on your skin. If you start a new medication or change your old one, you should always be wary of irritation on your skin. Antidepressants, medication for high blood pressure or migraines can easily dry out your skin. However, this problem can easily be solved if you moisturize regularly using the right products for your skin.

Dietary Habits

Poor nutrition is the most common cause of dry skin. You should always eat a balanced diet to maintain a flawless complexion. Diets like veganism and vegetarianism may be ethical, but they deprive your body of the nutrients it needs to function properly. They can sometimes suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency that can cause acne to develop. So, if you don’t consume enough animal fats, make sure you are taking Vitamin B12 supplements.

Regardless of the skin problems you have, the first thing you should do is examine your diet. If you’re not confident to do it on your own, you can always schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. Professional dermatologists will be able to identify what’s causing your problems and recommend the right treatment for your skin.

We’ve compiled a list of some foods that can negatively impact your skin:

  • Deep-fried foods like fried chicken, French fries or fast food.
  • Processed sugars.
  • Caffeine, coffee, tea, and soda.
  • Dairy products like cheese and milk that contain a large amount of fat.

Dehydration is also a common cause of dry skin. Your body needs water to cleanse itself from harmful toxins. If you ingest enough water throughout the day, your skin will look healthier and you will minimize signs of aging.

How to Treat Dry Skin

In addition to having a healthy diet, you should always moisturize your skin to avoid dryness. The older you get the more help your skin will need to stay fresh. Your best bet is using a natural skin moisturizer. Moisturizers that contain natural active ingredients like tea extracts are less likely to irritate your skin. Although the cost of synthetic moisturizers is much lower, your skin could have a bad reaction to them.

Mature Skin Care

As you age, so does your skin. Over time your skin will lose elasticity, dry out and begin to develop wrinkles. The two most popular ways of dealing with wrinkles are botox and collagen injections

Treating Skin Problem Using Botox

Botox targets the muscles that reveal wrinkles. Botox is injected under the skin in an attempt to paralyze facial muscles that reveal wrinkles. Most women get Botox injections in their forehead or around their mouth. Botox injections are painful and expensive, but they provide excellent results. Another downside of Botox injections is that they work for a limited time. So, every couple of years you’ll have to get new injections if you want to stay wrinkle-free.

Collagen Injections

Collagen is a protein that is naturally produced in the body. Collagen binds blood vessels and cells. Collagen injections help your skin to heal and regenerate. It helps fill in fine lines and wrinkles in a natural way. The two main downsides are the price and efficiency over time. Collagen injections are very pricy and the effects don’t last forever. One collagen injection can set you back $350 to $450.

Natural Anti-Wrinkle Products

If you’re not a big fan of needles, but still want to get rid of your wrinkles, you can always go for anti-wrinkle creams. The effects of anti-wrinkle cream are not as drastic as those of Botox or fillers. However, creams are not invasive and come at a much lower price point. The most important thing to remember when choosing an anti-wrinkle cream is to look for natural ingredients. Once you’ve found a cream that suits your skin type and gives it time to work its magic, you can expect to see results after a couple of months.


  1. 21 Important Facts About Vitamin B12 Deficiency,” Health, Esther Crain, December 20, 2019,

  2. The Effects of BOTOX Injections on Emotional Experience,” PMC,

  3. What is collagen?” Live Science, Rachel Ross, 23 January, 2020,

  4. Collagen Injections Overview,” howstuffworks, John Barrymore,