7 Top Anti-Aging Supplements to Make You Look and Feel Healthy

In the last couple of years, anti-aging seems to be the most popular topic online. The related industries have all done great things to improve our longevity and make us both look and feel healthy. Despite the average life expectancy worldwide being almost 73 years, most of us want to live longer and experience all the things a good life has to offer. In addition to that, so many of us wish to stay active, while looking and feeling healthy.

But while aging is for now inevitable – despite the efforts of scientists like Aubrey de Grey we can at least influence how fast and well we age. There has been lots of research about aging over the years which has delved deep into different aspects and left us with many important insights and facts. Finding out what causes this natural process in humans helps further understanding how to discern the top anti-aging supplements on the market and slow down aging. With that said, we present seven supplements that will aid you on your journey to a longer and healthier life.


A lot of anti-aging research has centered on resveratrol over the years and found that it has incredible benefits to your health. Resveratrol can be found in red wine and is omnipresent in the Mediterranean diet – a pattern of eating known to lower morbidity and mortality rates, besides lowering the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Resveratrol positively affects a whole range of your body’s tissues, different systems, and internal organs.

Green Tea Extract

Epigallocatechin Gallate or EGCG is perhaps the ultimate antioxidant that occurs naturally in green tea. Research links EGCG with otherwise well-known green tea benefits. This compound is at the forefront of anti-aging studies when it comes to its ability to preserve your brain, heart, and a variety of other important organs.

Gamma Vitamin E

Gamma-tocopherol is a significant type of vitamin E that’s found in nature. But while you can take in with different foods to get your levels up, you can only do so much because it’s usually found in things like oils, which people usually don’t consume in larger amounts. Moreover, most vitamin E supplements provide alpha-tocopherol, which doesn’t have nearly the same benefits as the gamma type. The main benefits of Vitamin E supplements are experienced when they contain gamma-tocopherol. Research into the role of vitamin E and gamma-tocopherol is ongoing, but we already know that it helps with various forms of cancer. Additionally, gamma vitamin E clears out free radicals in the body which makes it a powerful anti-aging supplement.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid or ALA can deliver its benefits both in oil and water-based environments. This feature of ALA makes it ideal for delivering strong ant oxidative support to your body, wherever you might need it. ALA is commonly known as a universal antioxidant because it can travel to any part of your body, which makes it highly valuable as an anti-aging supplement.


At the heart of cellular energy production is the irreplaceable nutrient CoQ10. Each cell in your body needs this nutrient to produce energy and offer a defense against oxidative stress. Some of the most vital organs in your body carry the highest levels of CoQ10, such as your brain, liver, kidneys, and heart. The sheer capability of these organs to protect themselves from free radicals despite the stress they endure demonstrates just how powerful CoQ10 is in the role of an anti-aging supplement.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish and nuts, are what builds membranes for billions of cells throughout our body. We cannot produce them naturally, so we have to make sure to eat a balanced diet that contains this all-important nutrient, besides taking an omega-3 supplement. Diets filled with healthy omega-3 fatty acids are shown to improve brain, heart, and overall health, according to numerous studies. Unfortunately, the typical American diet lacks omega-3, so it’s crucial to raise levels with supplements.

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract may not seem like much, but as an anti-aging supplement boosts circulation and strengthens tissues throughout your body. It’s 20-50 times stronger than Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and Vitamin E as an antioxidant. And because we make fewer antioxidants naturally as we grow older, it’s important to know that grape seed extract is a powerful ally in our fight to keep ourselves healthy and live longer.

These were the 7 top anti-aging supplements available on the market presented in no particular order. Perhaps now is the right time to finally start thinking about your health.


  1. “Life Expectancy,” Our World in Data, Max Roser, Estaban Ortiz-Ospina, and Hannah Ritchie, October, 2019,
  2. “Treating ageing as a curable disease,” BBC, Aubrey de Grey, 19 March, 2018,
  3. “Ageing,” Wikipedia,
  4. “Effectiveness of the Miditerranean diet in the elderly,” NCBI,