What are the Best Credit Score Monitoring Apps?

When it comes to maintaining your overall financial profile, your credit score is one of the most vital aspects. Your credit score could either make or break your financial decisions. When you possess a strong credit score along with a healthy credit report, you can look forward to being open to a wide range of potential financial opportunities out there. At the same time, the presence of a poor credit score could only leave you financially disturbed.

As per a recent study report, it is revealed that the average FICO credit score of consumers in the United States is around 695. While you might regard this as something rewarding, it is also important to note that at least 54.7 percent of Americans have the capability to score around 700. This data reveals that it is highly possible to improve the overall credit score.

Top Best Credit Monitoring Apps

When you wish to maintain a good credit score, it is recommended that you should keep an eagle’s eye on the respective credit report. The best thing is that there are helpful ways that allow you to monitor both the credit score as well as the credit report. One such innovative tool is the credit monitoring app. With the help of a reliable credit monitoring app, you are able to observe both your credit score as well as credit report effectively while managing the same. When you maintain an eye on your credit report, it allows you to identify cases of identity theft –in case it happens.

In this post, we will help you to unravel information about the best credit monitoring apps out there. Here are some:

  • CreditKarma: The app is available for free use. The main purpose of the app is to provide in-depth insight into all that is happening with the respective credit score. The app provides a free credit report along with providing access to the credit scores every time you would log in to the app. At the same time, by using this app, you can monitor both the Equifax & TransUnion credit scores & reports. Moreover, the credit report gets updated instantly –right when you would open the app.
  • Credit Sesame: The app is available for free use with the presence of exclusive membership plans as well. The app is regarded as the best option for assessing the individual financial options as well as history. If you wish to check the respective credit score with the help of this app, then you can do it seamlessly with the help of the interactive dashboard of the app. It allows you to observe the Experian credit score effectively. In addition to providing access to the credit score, the app also allows you to view the respective current lines of credit. Credit Sesame is capable of revealing how much you owe currently along with the ongoing interest rates and the way in which the credit score is being shaped.
  • Credit.com: Available for free, this credit monitoring app works the best towards improving both the credit history as well as credit score instantly. Credit.com is a leading website that provides relevant financial information as well as advice. Moreover, the application is known to offer an insight into more relevant data for the individuals out there. The app provides access to both Vantage 3.0 & Experian credit reports. At the same time, it also helps in grading the respective credit score while offering you relevant suggestions and guidelines.
  • CreditWise: This app is also available for free use and delivers the best results while monitoring & improving the TransUnion credit score. The app is created by Capital One. Using this innovative credit monitoring app, you can monitor the credit score for free and without any hassle. Even when you do not happen to be a Capital One borrower or customer, you can still rely on the features offered by this interactive app for tracking the respective TransUnion score. At the same time, you can also check in the credit report while going through some useful financial information or advice.

Make the most of the reliable & feature-rich credit monitoring apps available out there. Ensure maximum financial stability.


  1. “The Best Credit Score Monitoring Apps,” Nation,
  2. “5 Credit Score Monitoring Apps of 2020,” mybanktracker, Frank Addessi, 2 Decemeber, 2019,
  3. “7 Apps That Monitor Your Credit For You,” Wise Bread, Damian Davila, 6 December, 2019,
  4. “7 Crdit Monitoring Apps to Help You Stay on Top of Your Credit Score,” Lend up, 17 May, 2019,